Useful Resources

We are looking for some useful & relevant reciprocal linking partners to provide additional information & services to our visitors. We will be pleased to become link partners with relevant informative website for the good of our website users. If you would like to become a link partner to us, please note the guidelines below.


  • Websites should be solely related to our website. (Healthcare/Medical)
  • Website should have PR 3 or above.
  • To become our reciprocal link partners, you should place a link to on your website page which is linked from your homepage.
  • We do not except Link farms & strictly except the same from our link partners.
  • Adult content websites or any illegal & inappropriate activity websites are not accepted.
  • We strictly monitor our reciprocal link partners & if we don’t find our link on your site, your link will be immediately removed from our website.

Please add a link of on your website first & submit your website link information with reciprocal link URL through the form given below.

Our link information:

<p><a title="Find a Doctor" href="">Find a Doctor & Rate Doctors Online</a> FindaDoc provides top doctors in US. You can find a doctor from our 1,500,000 online doctors & rate doctor online.</p>


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